IgiTo, at the invitation of the general organization of the Escuela Interdisciplinar de Derechos Fundamentales Praeminentia Iustitia (Perú) and the Universities of Caxias do Sul and Itaúna (Brasil), co-organized, together with the Instituto de Ciencias e Investigación en Legislación y Jurisprudencia (INCILJ, México), the V Mega Congreso Mundial “Inteligencia artificial generativa, realidad aumentada y virtual, internet satelital, clientes máquina y derechos fundamentales.”
IgiTo at EUSEW – Brussels
As stakeholder of the ESCOP4Green Project – a project by the University of Camerino funded by the EU – IgiTo is participating in the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) Fair in Brussels.
Check out our materials for the Fair.
At the Fair, IgiTo has the chance to present some relevant work of our community of researchers regarding energy and sustainability, including the following topics:
- Sustainability and future generations in Italy between constitutional reforms and judicial decisions.
- Environmental protection and indigenous worldview in the Andean experience.
- Transactive energy and communities in Colombia.
(Español) Curso de especialización global. Interdisciplinariedad de las familias interespecie del orbe. Avances, bemoles, violencias y desafíos
IgiTo coorganiza con prestigiosas instituciones de 12 países, el Curso de especialización global. Interdisciplinariedad de las familias interespecie del orbe. Avances, bemoles, violencias y desafíos.
El curso se llevará a cabo de manera virtual en fechas 14- 15- 16 de mayo de 2024 y tiene como Organizador General a la Escuela Interdisciplinar de Derechos Fundamentales Praeminentia Iustitia (Arequipa, Perú).
Informaciones: https://www.praeeminentiaiustitia.pe/p/cursoespecializacion.html
Inscripciones en el código QR y: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfn1zF_4PZOApZ-vqs4mF2U5d5VoBCDfAHYE1nKN2q-J8981g/viewform
Doris Ortega Galindo, “Familia y género”
University of Camerino’s ESCOP4Green Project will be launched on 27 Feb., IgiTo is included in the Panel of Advisors
On February 27 the ESCOP4Green Project will be launched, organized by the University of Camerino and funded by the European Union. IgiTo has been included in the Panel of Advisors.