Dati editoriali
Riccardo Perona, “‘No Excess without Ruin’: Notes about the Antigone v. Creon Case”. 54 pp.
ISBN | 9788892657243
Prima edizione digitale: 2017
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Sophocles’ Antigone has been a fundamental text for jurists all over the centuries. This work addresses it from such perspective, trying to unveil its fundamental lesson for the everyday work of lawyers and legal scholars.
I. Introduction: ‘Many Things Are Awesome’
II. Antigone vs. Creon and the Main Traditional Readings of the Tragedy
III. Object, Emotion and Plurality vs. Subject, Reason and Unity
IV. Either Aurea Medietas ormExcessive Reaction to Excesses
V. The Example of Oedipus the King
VI. Antigone and the Contrast with Creon
1. Preliminary Remarks
2. The First Antinomy: Objectivism vs. Subjectivism
3. The Second Antinomy: Emotionalism vs. Rationalism
4. The Third Antinomy: Pluralism vs. Monism
VII. ‘No Excess Without Ruin’
VIII. Other Voices: Ismene, Tiresias and Haemon’s Phrónesis
X. Conclusion: Antigone’s Enduring (Legal) Lesson