Dati editoriali
Riccardo Perona, Yezid Carrillo de la Rosa, Joe Caballero, “’Rule of Reason’: Ensayos Teóricos sobre Racionalidad y Razonabilidad en el Derecho Público”. 236 pp.
ISBN | 9788827853122
Prima edizione digitale: 2018
© Tutti i diritti riservati.
Investigating the principle of reasonableness in the legal world requires—if the task is to be taken seriously—to take a journey directly to the roots of the concept of law and to the ultimate paradigms that inform its knowledge, just to find the beginning of a different and maybe harder path, heading to the idea of reason. The essays presented in this book do not aim to complete such journeys, but just to take some modest steps into them. Many con-cepts are thereby found, many more are left to be investigated. Meanwhile, between rationality and reasonableness, theory and practice, science and prudence, episteme and phronesis, a global need emerges: that to keep addressing the core of the ‘Rule of Reason’ in the law.
I. Presentation – Presentación
II. Aproximación al concepto de razonabilidad (Reasonableness)
1. Introducción
2. Razón y Racionalidad
3. Razón en la ciencia
4. Racionalidad
5. Clases de Razón o de Racionalidad.
6. Un posible concepto de Razonabilidad
7. Referencias Bibliográficas
III. Racionalidad y razonabilidad en la justificación de las decisiones judiciales
1. Introducción
2. Lugar y límites de la razón analítica en el derecho
3. El lugar de la tópica en el derecho.
4. El puesto de la dialéctica y la retórica en el derecho
5. Técnicas argumentativas y clases de argumentos
6. El puesto de la razón práctica en el 10 derecho
7. Reglas, formas y límites del discurso práctico general.
8. Reglas, formas, límites de la argumentación jurídica
9. Razón, lenguaje y argumentación
10. Referencias bibliográficas
IV. ‘Equality, Proportionality and the ‘Rule of Reason’
1. Introduction: Equality, Proportionality and the Normative Order
2. The Meaning of Equality in Germany and Italy: The Constitutional Provisions (Art. 3 GG
and Art. 3 Cost.)
3. Treating Equally what is Equal and Differently what is Different (I): The German Case Law
on Art. 3 GG
4. Treating Equally what is Equal and Differently what is Different (II): the Italian Case Law on
Art. 3 Cost. and the Reasonable Equality
5. The Meaning of Proportionality in Germany: Suitability, Necessity 11 and Principles
6. The Meaning of Proportionality in Italy: Intrinsic Reasonableness and Interests Balancing
7. Summarizing the Meaning of Equality and Proportionality. Their Overlapping
8. The Concept of Norm and Its Ratio
9. The Distinction Between Rules and Principles
10. Rules, Principles and the Inspiring Ratio. The Order of Rules a(rou)nd Principles
11. Order as Non-Contradiction between ‘Rationes’: The Punctual Contradiction between
Rules and the Unequal Treatment of Equal Situations.
12. Relations between the Need of Non-Contradiction and the Constitutional Canon of
13. Order as Ponderation: Prohibition of Excess and Insufficiency in Light of a Global
14. Relations between the Need of Ponderation and the Constitutional Canon of 12
15. Conclusions: A General Graduated Canon of Reason’s Order
16. Bibliographical References