***VIDEO*** “Justicia Transicional” – Mtra. Paola Sierra


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Important note: The opinions expressed are presented by the Author as a personal opinion and do not necessarily reflect the point of view of IgiTo on the addressed matters. The information provided is general, has divulgative purpose and does not substitute the assistance of a professional. For informationinfo@igito.it.

***VIDEO*** “La cosa fraudulenta” – Juan Camilo Forero Agudelo

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Important note: The opinions expressed are presented by the Author as a personal opinion and do not necessarily reflect the point of view of IgiTo on the addressed matters. The information provided is general, has divulgative purpose and does not substitute the assistance of a professional. For informationinfo@igito.it.

***VIDEO*** “La gouvernance internationale de l’Arctique: d’un point de vue constructiviste” – Monim Benaissa

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Any opinion presented in the video is expressed by the lecturer as a personal opinion and does not necessarily reflect the point of view of IgiTo on the addressed matters.

***VIDEO*** “Exigibilidad de los derechos socioeconómicos en las Áltas Cortes” – Enlil Iván Herrera Pérez


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Any opinion presented in the video is expressed by the lecturer as a personal opinion and does not necessarily reflect the point of view of IgiTo on the addressed matters.

***VIDEO*** “La mediación como forma de transformar el conflicto en una idea positiva” – Mtra. Alinne Cardim

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To take part to the online debate on the presentation and get the respective recognition, log in (using the form you find on the right or, if you are using  amobile device, below) or subscribe to IgiTo.
Any opinion presented in the video is expressed by the lecturer as a personal opinion and does not necessarily reflect the point of view of IgiTo on the addressed matters.

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